“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
What is Spiritual Direction?
Through the practice of Spiritual Direction, I serve as a companion to those who desire their spirituality to be a resource in their pursuit of the full human experience. I offer inclusive resources and environments that support growth in awareness of self, relationships with others, connection to the earth, and the mystery of God. I believe that growth in these areas cannot be manufactured or controlled, and is therefore something we can only cooperate with and bear witness to. For many, the journey and practice of Spiritual Direction becomes an outcome in itself.
I practice Spiritual Direction as a contemplative and meditative exercise that centers around 5 primary images:
Spiritual Direction is a space of mutual, compassionate, and empathetic listening to the story your life is telling.
Spiritual Direction helps us to see things, which up until this point, we had been unable to see, though they were staring us in the face.
Spiritual Direction enables us to accept more fully what we might already know, but in an obscure way.
Spiritual Direction offers kind support and advice that flows from the diversity of voices found within the ancient and modern Wisdom Tradition.
Spiritual Direction provides tools and practices to those who are wandering in life’s uncharted territories, and are navigating the challenges of a demanding path.
Spiritual Direction with Matthew Laidlaw might be helpful for you if:
You desire to experience spiritual growth and/or a deeper faith.
You are experiencing significant transition or are facing difficult and complex decisions in your life.
You are a pastor or religious leader, and need a confidential spiritual companion outside of your community or professional network.
You are an activist, educator, or non-profit leader who is looking for a more rooted source of support, energy, and companionship in your ongoing work.
You are experiencing doubts, desires, questions, and/or longings that are leading you outside of the accepted boundaries and practices of your religious tradition and current relationships.
You are a teenager or young adult who is looking for spiritual support and experience that is different than traditional youth groups or Christian counseling.
You are or have been in a season of crisis, or have experienced immense suffering.
You are experiencing dis-integration in your life--work, relationships, spirituality, sexuality, etc.--and are seeking a path toward re-integration and wholeness.
You are feeling stuck or stagnant, and are searching for a way forward.
You identify as “spiritual but not religious”, and are looking for a sacred language that honors the depth of your experience.
The God, faith, or spirituality you grew up with is no longer working for you.
You want to grow in your capacity to give and receive love.
You’re not sure who you are anymore.
You sense that something really big is missing from your life and you don’t know what it is.
You are looking for experience and resources beyond the paths of therapy and self-help.
What does meeting for Spiritual Direction look like?
Meetings are 50 minutes long, and typically include casual conversation, shared silence, prayer and spiritual practices, and gentle dialogue surrounding the unfolding of the directee’s life. The space is private and the conversation is confidential. Meetings take place at a time and cadence that work for both the director and the directee [weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or episodic meetings as needed]. Spiritual direction is a practice that can be a one-time conversation, can take place through a season of life, or can become a regular, lifelong form of support and companionship. Spiritual Direction Intensives [longer sessions, meeting multiple times in a week, etc.] are available if desired.
Statement on Inclusivity and Spiritual Language:
My training and experience include both ecumenical and multi-faith environments. I believe my identification as a Christian allows me freedom to be hospitable and affirming of whatever tradition you may identify with. While it may take some time for us to discover together, I am committed to utilizing a shared spiritual language that honors your tradition, story, and future path.
Where does Spiritual Direction take place?
I have access to several private meeting spaces in the West Michigan area, and am also willing to meet via a Zoom or FaceTime call.
What does Spiritual Direction cost?
I work on a sliding scale that takes into account the actual costs of meeting, the value placed on the meeting by the directee, and any financial need that may be present. Payment will be discussed and agreed upon during a free initial consultation.